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Key Publications November 19, 2007

Apolipoprotein A-II is inversely associated with risk of future coronary artery disease.

Circulation 2007;116:2029-35

Birjmohun RS, Dallinga-Thie GM, Kuivenhoven JA et al.


A very interesting analysis of the relationship between apolipoprotein AII levels and the risk of future coronary artery disease in the large prospective EPIC-Norfolk Study. Although it is fairly well established that apolipoprotein AI is inversely tied to coronary artery disease risk, the relationship between apo AII and CHD risk has remained controversial for quite some time. In this paper, the investigators present strong data that a high apo AII concentration is cardioprotective even after adjustment for HDL cholesterol concentration as well as HDL particle number and size. The results of this analysis therefore do not support the view that apolipoprotein AII is a proatherogenic apolipoprotein.
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