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Key Publications October 14, 2010

Interventions to promote physical activity and dietary lifestyle changes for cardiovascular risk factor reduction in adults: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association.

Circulation 2010;122:406-41

Artinian NT, Fletcher GF, Mozaffarian D, Kris-Etherton P, Van Horn L, Lichtenstein AH, Kumanyika S, Kraus WE, Fleg JL, Redeker NS, Meininger JC, Banks J, Stuart-Shor EM, Fletcher BJ, Miller TD, Hughes S, Braun LT, Kopin LA, Berra K, Hayman LL, Ewing LJ, Ades PA, Durstine JL, Houston-Miller N, Burke LE, American Heart Association Prevention Committee of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing


The objective of this scientific statement from the American Heart Association was to provide evidence-based recommendations to carry out effective physical activity and dietary interventions among adult individuals of different race and socioeconomic background. The paper reported that cognitive-behavioural strategies such as specific and realistic goal setting, self-monitoring, frequent and prolonged follow-up contacts, healthcare provider feedback, motivational interview and self-efficacy are necessary to promote behaviour change. It is documented that individual, group, and multicomponent intervention delivery strategies are effective to modify dietary intake and to increase physical activity. Moreover, computer/Internet-based delivery strategies are also adequate for selected populations. Interventions should also be adapted to the cultural and social context to better influence behavioural changes. Further research is needed on several aspects of individual- and group-based interventions to improve diet and physical activity. Even though a sufficient evidence base now exists to integrate several specific strategies into clinical practice, changes in healthcare policies are also needed to effectively follow and implement the recommendations made in this statement.
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