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Key Publications September 27, 2018

Obesity and cardiovascular risk: a call for action from the European Society of Hypertension Working Group of Obesity, Diabetes and the High-risk Patient and European Association for the Study of Obesity: part B: obesity-induced cardiovascular disease, early prevention strategies and future research directions.

J Hypertens. 2018;36:1441-1455

Kotsis V, Tsioufis K, Antza C, Seravalle G, Coca A, Sierra C, Lurbe E, Stabouli S, Jelakovic B, Redon J, Redon P, Nilsson PM, Jordan J, Micic D, Finer N, Leitner DR, Toplak H, Tokgozoglu L, Athyros V, Elisaf M, Filippatos TD, Grassi G

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