Our Partners

Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity Research Network


The Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity (Réseau de recherche en santé cardiométabolique, diabète et obésité – CMDO) contributes to projects considered the most relevant not only to the Networkʼs researchers but also for patients suffering from cardiometabolic illnesses, research institutes and our partners. Another guiding principle of CMDO is the convergence of its objectives and investments across multiple levels permitting the Network to support projects with high potential for scientific impact. Finally, the Network aims to establish international partnerships attracting scientific collaborations, technological transfers, as well as investments from outside of Québec.


Education for Health

Education for Health is a leading UK-based educational charity, working to transform the lives of people living with long-term health conditions. Our vision is for a world where everyone living with a long-term condition receives high quality care and can manage their condition to the best of their ability. We firmly believe that the way to achieve this is through a well-informed and well-educated workforce. Through our clinically led education and training, research and advocacy work, we are playing an integral role in responding to these changing demands, enabling healthcare professionals to deliver the best possible care for patients. By working closely together with others who share our vision and values we are able to increase the positive impact of our combined work and make best use of valuable resources.


The International Atherosclerosis Society

The International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS) is a federation of member organizations worldwide whose basic missions are to promote the scientific understanding of the etiology, prevention, and treatment of atherosclerosis. The IAS exists to coordinate the exchange of scientific information among its 67 constituent societies, to foster research into the development of atherosclerosis, and to help translate this knowledge into improving the effectiveness of programs designed to prevent and treat this disease.


Québec Heart and Lung Institute Research Centre

The Québec Heart and Lung Institute Research Centre (Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec – Université Laval), is the only centre funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) that regroups three research components (cardiology, respirology and obesity-metabolism) deemed to be a priority because of the considerable economic and social impact of their related diseases.

The Research Centre’s vision is to play an international significant role in the fight against societal chronic diseases through its model of integrated science in cardiology, in respirology as well as in obesity–type 2 diabetes–metabolism. It counts on the cooperation of 177 researchers and physician-scientists, many of whom are recognized as being leaders in their field. These world-class researchers are among the most productive in Québec. In addition, the perfect correspondence of the research components to the Institute’s specializations ensures a synergy between clinicians and researchers, thereby allowing a rapid knowledge transfer to the care.


Université Laval's Faculty of Medicine

Université Laval’s Faculty of Medicine trains more than 900 health professionals every year. It provides a unique interprofessional educational environment in health sciences, driven by values of social responsibility, which stands out for its complete and diversified range of studies. The Faculty has 15 departments, more than 100 programs and a vast training and research network serving Eastern Québec. Committed to a common mission, the members of the Faculty of Medicine work together so that the Faculty becomes a major centre for sustainable health development focused on the well-being of individuals and populations. The Faculty promotes the advancement, dissemination and appropriation of knowledge in a spirit of collaboration while also providing a world-class environment for training, creation and research.

La Faculté de médecine de l’Université Laval forme chaque année plus de 900 professionnels de la santé. Elle est un milieu interprofessionnel unique en sciences de la santé, animé par des valeurs de responsabilité sociale, qui se démarque par son offre d’études complète et diversifiée. La Faculté compte 15 départements, quelque 100 programmes d’études et un vaste réseau de formation et de recherche qui dessert l’Est-du-Québec. Engagés vers une mission commune, les membres de la Faculté de médecine œuvrent de concert afin que la Faculté devienne un grand pôle de développement en santé durable axée sur le mieux-être des personnes et des populations. Elle favorise l’avancement, la diffusion et l’appropriation des connaissances dans un esprit de collaboration et dans un environnement de formation, de création et de recherche de calibre international.
