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Webcasts July 6, 2012

Abdominal obesity and cardiometabolic risk: an update

The International Chair on Cardiometabolic Risk (ICCR)


Dr. Peter Libby, Dr. Jean-Pierre Després, Dr. Robert Ross and Dr. Luc Van Gaal summarize results of the INternational Study of Prediction of Intra-abdominal adiposity and its RElationships with cardioMEtabolic risk/Intra-Abdominal Adiposity study (INSPIRE ME IAA) which aimed to determine the relationship between intra-abdominal (visceral) adipose tissue and cardiometabolic risk profile. Briefly, results of the study revealed that intra-abdominal fat and liver fat explained a large proportion of individual differences in the cardiometabolic risk profile of patients classified according to their glucose tolerance status. Moreover, Asians were found to be more prone to intra-abdominal fat and liver fat accumulation than other ethnic groups at similar BMI values. Dr. Van Gaal underlines that it is critical to measure waist circumference in patients with type 2 diabetes because the greater the waistline, the higher the risk will be of developing cardiometabolic complications. Finally, Dr. Després emphasizes that although type 2 diabetic patients are aggressively treated with statins and often reach LDL cholesterol targets, those with a high amount of intra-abdominal fat are nevertheless characterized by additional cardiometabolic abnormalities. Parts
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