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Key Publications May 22, 2009

Cardiovascular medication, physical activity and mortality: cross-sectional population study with ongoing mortality follow-up.

Heart 2009;95:448-53

Stamatakis E, Hamer M, Primatesta P


The impact of physical activity on cardiovascular medication and its association with cardiovascular disease mortality was examined in a sample of 20,177 subjects. In the study population, 15% of individuals were prescribed at least one cardiovascular medication. Patients on medication were less likely to meet physical activity recommendations than those not receiving medication. There was an inverse relationship between physical activity (≥150 minutes/week) and all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in unmedicated and medicated individuals compared to individuals who reported no moderate to vigorous physical activity levels. These results reinforce the value of being physically active in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in subjects with or without medication. Dr. Michael V. Jelinek appropriately pointed out in his editorial that inactivity is a risk factor (cause) but also that physical activity is an effective treatment strategy for cardiovascular disease. Once again, healthy lifestyle habits could be a useful preventive approach or even a treatment, along with biomedical interventions for the management of cardiovascular disease.
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