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Key Publications February 28, 2008

European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: past, present, and future: a need for joint forces.

J Hypertens 2008;26:157-60

Cífková R, Mancia G, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S


In this editorial, Cifkova et al. discuss the evolution of European guidelines on cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention. After identifying and analyzing the scope of the problem, they summarize some of the key points underpinning CVD evaluation and treatment (costs of healthcare, modifiable lifestyle, pathological factors, risk factor modifications, etc.). The paper also briefly reviews the history of the Joint European Guidelines on prevention of coronary heart disease and summarizes the key points of the Fourth Task Force (the “newest” version of the guidelines). In their conclusion, the authors suggest that these recent European guidelines are intended to serve as a framework for the implementation of national guidelines aimed at providing efficient quality of care and hopefully reducing the burden of CVD in Europe.


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