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Key Publications February 25, 2010

Impact of 9 days of bed rest on hepatic and peripheral insulin action, insulin secretion, and whole-body lipolysis in healthy young male offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes 2009;58:2749-56

Alibegovic AC, Højbjerre L, Sonne MP, van Hall G, Stallknecht B, Dela F, Vaag A


The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of 9 days of bed rest on in vivo insulin metabolism in 13 first-degree relatives (FDR subjects) of patients with type 2 diabetes and 20 control subjects. The results showed that bed rest caused a significant decrease in whole-body insulin sensitivity in both groups. FDR subjects exhibited hepatic insulin resistance prior to bed rest and a significant deterioration in response to physical inactivity which was not observed in control subjects. Moreover, FDR subjects showed reduced insulin secretion in relation to their degree of hepatic insulin resistance but not peripheral insulin resistance. These data confirm the serious adverse effects of physical inactivity on whole-body insulin action in healthy subjects with and without a positive family history of diabetes.
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