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Key Publications November 30, 2009

Physical inactivity and obesity underlie the insulin resistance of aging.

Diabetes Care 2009;32:1547-9

Amati F, Dubé JJ, Coen PM, Stefanovic-Racic M, Toledo FG, Goodpaster BH


This study tested the hypothesis that obesity and physical inactivity are the underlying causes of the insulin resistance of ageing. Insulin sensitivity was compared in 7 younger and 12 older athletes, 11 younger and 10 older normal weight sedentary subjects and 15 younger and 15 older obese sedentary subjects. Interestingly, ageing per se was not associated with insulin resistance which was similar in younger and older athletes, in younger and older normal weight sedentary subjects as well as in younger and older obese subjects. Thus, the insulin resistant state observed with ageing appears to be largely resulting from obesity and lack of physical activity.
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