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Webcasts December 15, 2009

Visceral/ectopic fat: present and future contributions of imaging techniques

The International Chair on Cardiometabolic Risk (ICCR)


Dr. Jeffrey Carr explains how computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are two of the most useful imaging tools to localize and measure ectopic fat. Dr. Carr explains that ectopic fat depots are much more important than the amount of total body fat. He further explains that imaging techniques will help better describe the effects of diets, new intervention approaches, and new combinations of drugs. Dr. Peter Wilson also speaks about measuring intra-abdominal (visceral) and liver fat in patients who have had gastric bypass surgery because of their massive obesity. Finally, Dr. Michael Jensen and Dr. Caroline Fox discuss the fact that imaging techniques are very valuable in helping us understand the relationships between adiposity and the properties of non-adipose tissue and, accordingly, how they relate to disease. Imaging techniques do not identify the mechanisms involved but they can help with the creation of hypotheses. Future imaging techniques should provide information on the functionality of tissues.
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