XVth International Symposium on Atherosclerosis

ISA 2009

It is our pleasure to welcome you to Boston, Massachusetts on June 14-18, 2009 for the XV International Symposium on Atherosclerosis. This Symposium, held triennially under the auspices of the International Atherosclerosis Society, offers the world’s largest and most prestigious forum for the presentation of new research and clinical findings on arterial disease.
Atherosclerosis is the underlying cause of heart disease and stroke, which together account for more than half of all mortality and morbidity in developed societies. Advances in the detection, prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular disease continue to emerge as knowledge about the pathogenesis and biology of atherosclerosis increases. In recent years, ongoing awareness of the importance of lifestyle and drug therapies in cardiovascular risk reduction has been enhanced by pharmacological innovations, the development of sophisticated imaging techniques, and the sequencing of the human genome. Treatment of coronary heart disease has shifted from a primary focus on LDLC levels to the concept of global cardiometabolic risk, and there has been increased attention paid to the contributing role of other lipoprotein fractions including HDL and triglycerides and of inflammation in the development of atherosclerosis.

Scientific Program: https://oldwebsite.lorenzinifoundation.org/download/ISA2009.pdf

Abstracts of the XV International Symposium on Atherosclerosis: https://www.atherosclerosis-supplements.com/issue/S1567-5688(09)X0003-6?page=9