The International Chair on Cardiometabolic Risk meets twice a year to discuss a significant issue or topics requiring further studies. The Chair chose to add to the debate surrounding the controversial and much-discussed role of the metabolic syndrome and of cardiovascular risk by inviting the investigators of major worldwide epidemiological studies to share their thoughts on the issue and present their latest findings. Doctors Assmann (PROCAM), Wilson (Framingham), Ballantyne (ARIC), Wannamethee (British Regional Heart Study), Sattar (WOSCOPS) and Eddy (Archimedes model) graciously agreed to participate. Given the significance of the data presented, the Chair’s Executive Committee decided to compile all findings and publish a supplement in a world-renowned journal. Professor Després, the Chair’s Scientific Director, wrote an editorial for that purpose and submitted all findings to the International Journal of Obesity, which agreed to publish them in a supplement (Volume 32, Supplement 2) to appear on May 12, 2008. We thought it was important to tell our site visitors about this upcoming publication so that they can be among the first to have access to this issue.